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General Secretario

António Guterres, the Current Secretary-General of the United Nations, has been Formally Selected by the Security Council as...

António Guterres' Selection as the Secretary-General of the United Nations

António Guterres, the current Secretary-General of the United Nations, has been formally selected by the Security Council to continue in his role. Guterres was first appointed as Secretary-General in 2017, and his term was set to expire at the end of 2021. However, the Security Council has now voted unanimously to extend his term for an additional five years, until the end of 2026.

Guterres' Accomplishments as Secretary-General

During his time as Secretary-General, Guterres has overseen a number of significant achievements. These include:

  • The adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015
  • The signing of the Paris Agreement on climate change in 2015
  • The establishment of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration in 2018
  • The launch of the UN's "Call to Action for Human Rights" in 2019

Guterres has also been a vocal advocate for peace and security around the world. He has played a key role in mediating conflicts in Yemen, Syria, and other countries.

Guterres' Challenges as Secretary-General

Despite his accomplishments, Guterres has also faced a number of challenges during his time as Secretary-General. These include:

  • The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
  • The rise of populism and nationalism around the world
  • The increasing threat of climate change
  • The growing gap between rich and poor

Despite these challenges, Guterres has remained committed to his mission of making the world a more peaceful, just, and sustainable place.
